Exmoor Rotary Club



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Rotary Exmoor Youth Challenge


Note that the team with the lowest number of points wins. Time penalties are scored as minutes lost or gained, and 'Questions' is the number of correct questions answered (Maximum 16). Congratulations to ALL teams who completed the challenge - the conditions this year were good, but to walk against the clock for 16 miles in hilly moorland is not easy.


REMINDER: PLEASE LET US HAVE YOUR SPONSORSHIP MONEY AS SOON AS YOU CAN (cheques payable to Exmoor Rotary). It will all go to Children's Hospice South West.

Sponsorship from this event will go to:Children's Hospice South West



1 Mid Thames Explorers 1 (134)


1 Courtfields 4 (127)

Mixed teams:
1 1st Sidvale Scouts 4 (133)



1 Thomas Hall 4 (119)
2 Mount Kelly 1 (91)

1 Willand Scouts 3 (46)
2 1st Sidvale Scouts 3 (117)

Mixed teams:
1 Sampford Peverell 3 (96)
2 Mount Kelly 2 (110)


In 2024 some 118 Junior and 10 Senior teams took part from 55 different schools and organisations. Overall there were 503 children who started the Challenge. Of these 12 whole teams dropped out and a number of individuals from teams who continued.  So, in total, 54 competitors dropped (74 last year) out at various points along the route but 449 completed the course, tired but elated, and received their medals at the finish.
Massive congratulations to all of those 449 competitors who managed the whole course and were awarded their medals.

Remarkably some 16 teams achieved times over the 8 stages within 10 minutes of the scratch time: one team (96) – Sampford Peverell 3 did it in the exact time and team (46) - Willand Scouts 3 within 1 Minute

Seward Cup 2018SEWARD CUP - for the best primary school team in 2024

will be awarded to

Sampford Peverell 3 (96)

Very well done!




Full Results - 2024

Download a full copy - HERE

*Lost property? Contact us.

Lost property Lost property



a) Boys' teams are shown in BLUE, girls' teams in GREEN, and mixed teams in RED.

b) Time points are calculated from the times by which each team missed the ideal stated time between each pair of checkpoints. 'Points' is this total time in minutes.

c) 'Questions' has a maximum score of 16. These are deducted from any time penalties.

d) The perfect 'Results' score is zero!

e) Note that in order for a team to qualify, at least 3 members must reach the Finish line.

2017 Pics:

Our thanks to Exmoor Search & Rescue team!

In 2006, 101 junior teams and 7 senior teams took part, and 14 teams failed to complete the whole challenge.

In 2007, 113 Junior and 10 Senior teams took part, and of these 11 teams failed to complete the Challenge.

In 2008, 103 junior and 6 senior teams completed the course.

In 2009, 102 junior and 13 senior teams managed to complete the course (6 teams overall failed to complete the challenge).

In 2010, 111 junior and 21 senior teams managed to complete the course (only 4 teams failed to complete).

In 2011, 122 Junior and 23 Senior teams took part, a record number, totalling 580 young people. Of these, only 5 teams failed to complete the course, and 550 competitors qualified for medals.

In 2012, 133 Junior teams and 22 Seniors. Only 7 teams failed to finish the course.

In 2013, 123 Junior and 21 Senior teams took part. 11 teams failed to finish, partly because of one team taking the wrong route, and others following them!

In 2014, 132 Juniors and 17 Senior teams started the Challenge. with 6 teams failing to complete.

In 2015, 145 Juniors and 17 Senior teams started the challenge with 10 teams failing to complete. Consideing the awful wet weather, a massive congratulations to all who managed the whole course and got thir medals.

In 2016, we reduced the number of teams taking part for safety reasons. 107 junior and 5 senior tearms took part and only 5 teams failed to complete. Weather was good, and a few teams completed the Questionnaire with very high marks indeed. Well done.

Again this year, we have had numerous comments from those based at Dulverton School those running checkpoints and acting as marshals, and members of the public walking on the moor - they all say how courteous, polite, cheerful, and well behaved all the young people were who took part. It made running the event a real pleasure. Thank you.

Archive pictures here.

For pictures of the 2008 Trophy Presentations - click here!
